Hårddiskpriserna skenar

Pga stora översvämningar i Thailand har flera tillverkare stängt fabriker för hårddisktillverkning, bl a Western Digitals huvudanläggning. Detta väntas leda till ett produktionsbortfall på runt 50 miljoner diskar.
Även Seagate, Hitachi och Toshiba tvingas stänga fabriker.

I skrivande stund ligger prishöjningarna på ca 200 kr och uppåt.

T ex kostade 1TB Samsung Spinpoint F3 HD103SJ 488 kr den 14 okbober och i skrivande stund ligger den på 690.

Western Digial varnar för att effekter av detta kan ses i minst 6 månader.

Olof Geelnard, butikschef på Komplett.se, säger:

Ingen hårddiskleverantör tar order till distributörer, antalet hårddiskar på marknaden sinar och det finns i dagsläget inget sätt för distributörer att få tag på nya. Tyvärr är priset alltid en fråga om tillgång och efterfrågan. Effekterna märks nu i hela IT-världen.

Ett pressmeddelande från Western Digital från tidigare i månaden:

WD Reports Impact on HDD Production Due to Severe Flooding in Thailand
IRVINE, Calif., Oct. 12, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Western Digital Corp. (NYSE:WDC - News) today announced that production of hard drives in its facilities close to Bangkok, Thailand, will be constrained in the current quarter due to the severe flooding in Thailand. The flooding is causing problems with the region's infrastructure, including transportation and utilities, and has resulted in the inundation of some supplier facilities and employee homes. The company is gratified to report that its approximately 37,000 Thailand-based employees are deemed safe at this time.

The company is working with its suppliers to maximize throughput and availability of parts in order to best meet the needs of its customers.

In the quarter ending July 1, 2011, WD shipped approximately 54 million hard drives from its facilities in Thailand and Malaysia, with approximately 60 percent coming from its Thailand sites. The company's Thailand operations source much of its supply of components from local suppliers.

While WD's facilities in Thailand are operational, production has been suspended on a temporary basis to protect its employees and its facilities and equipment against water ingress. The company indicated that conditions associated with the continued flooding are evolving quickly and the extent of the impact on its operations in Thailand cannot yet be fully determined. The company will provide further updates on the situation, including on its investment community conference call on Wednesday, October 19, 2011.

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